Enhance semen traces screening
Rape is a global scourge. It is estimated that 1 woman out of 5 will face rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. Hidden truth lies in millions of unsolved rapes that cannot be proven in the absence of evidence found, sperm traces in front. According to RAINN, out of 1000 sexual assaults, only 4.6 rapists will go to jail.
Following a rape, Crime Scene and Crime Laboratory Technicians often face the difficult task to locate semen traces on evidences and on the scene within a short period of time. If alternate light sources are widely used, scientific literature agrees that ALS shows many disadvantages. The main weakness being lots of false positive traces that are then time and money consuming to exclude from the analysis. Even more concerning, according to fabric and color, it is sometimes estimated that 30% of semen stains are missed by alternate light sources available on the market.
Acid Phosphatase tests, if more sensitive and specific, show many disadvantages. AP tests use toxic (carcinogen) “lab-prepared” reagents which are thus long and dangerous to use. Moreover, as reagents damage DNA, it requires to be done indirectly, which may then lead to mis-repositioning on evidence and for obvious reasons cannot be sprayed on the scene.
STK Sperm Tracker solves it all
After years of research in collaboration with the French Scientific Police (SNPS), AXO Science is now bringing to forensic experts the Sperm Tracker Technology that improves both sensitivity and specificity of semen detection and offers many advantages to crime laboratory experts for detecting semen stains:
- Sensitive: do not miss any single semen stain by using the most sensitive technique available, whatever the color or fabric of the item
- Specific: do not waste time and money with false positive, only semen will show, even if mixed with other body fluids
- Non Toxic: human and environmental friendly. Get rid of carcinogen, time-consuming AP reagents
- Easy and Ready to use: simple and rapid protocol
- ISO 18385: forensic grade certified
Three products for total rape case screening
Scientific Publications
Advancing Semen Detection Techniques with Sperm Tracker STK in Real Case Scenarios and Diverse Environments
Poster presented at AAFS 2024 in Denver, USA by Antidoping Center “A. Bertinaria”, Orbassano (Turin, Italy), Department of Chemistry of the University of Turin (Italy), Carabinieri Forensic Science Dept. Rome (Italy)
Evaluation of the effect of ozone disinfection on forensic identification of blood, saliva, and semen stains
Published in Science & Justice, Volume 64, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 151-158
Evaluation of STK Skin for Deployment in Clinical Forensic Medical Practice
Poster presented at IAFS 2023 in Sydney, Australia by HTX, Home Team Science & Technology Agency, Singapore
Internal Validation of the STK® Sperm Tracker STK Skin and its application in the examination of victims of sexual assaults
Poster presented by the Institute of Forensic Medicine Düsseldorf, Germany
Evaluation of Sperm Tracker Spray for semen stain localization
Published in the Journal of Forensic Research, Volume 14:3, 2023
Evaluation of SpermTracker paper and spray for the visualization of seminal stains
Thesis, Rachael Lea Margossian, Boston University, School of Medicine, 2022
Rapid Identification of Semen Using STK Sperm Tracker Spray
Presentation given at NEAFS 2022 by Forensic & National Security Sciences Institute, Syracuse University, USA
Detection of Semen Stains on Household and Vehicle Fabrics Using STK Sperm Tracker Lab
Poster presented at NEAFS 2022 by Forensic & National Security Sciences Institute, Syracuse University, USA
Increased Accuracy and Precision in the Detection of Human Semen on Clothing Fabrics using the STK ™ Sperm Tracker STK Lab
Poster presented at NEAFS 2022 by Forensic & National Security Sciences Institute, Syracuse University, USA
Comparative study between a new forensic reagent STK™ SPERM TRACKER versus multispectral Alternative Light Sources (ALS) to detect specifically sperm traces on swab and fabrics in real sexual assault cases
Poster presented at ISHI 2021 by the Forensic Science Laboratory of the French Gendarmerie (IRCGN), France
新規精液探索法の確立とその実務導入への検討 (Establishement of the new semen identification method and the examination to practical introduction)
Published in Japanese Journal of Forensic Science and Technology, November 2021
Sperm Tracker™ as a presumptive test for semen stain detection
Poster presented at AAFS 2021 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Laboratory Division, Quantico, VA, USA
Statistic evaluation of possible loss of material when using SPERM TRACKER for semen stains localization
Poster presented at EAFS 2018 by the Laboratoire de Police Scientifique de LYON (SNPS/LPS69), France
Internal Validation of the STK Sperm Tracker Procedure
Poster presented at ISHI 2017 by the State of California, Department of Justice, Jan Bashinski DNA Laboratory, CA, USA
Evaluation of the SPERM TRACKER™ for Semen Stains Localization on Fabrics
Published in the Journal of Forensic Research, June 2017